322cdb Sep 03, 2021 21:28
-deco: wall-hangings, -hobbies: bookcases, ladysimplayer8, amovitamsim, !complete (almost) - objects, marja, -comfort: seating, !complete (almost), ---store sets, -surfaces
322cdb Sep 03, 2021 20:28
-lighting, --bedroom, ladysimplayer8, amovitamsim, -comfort: beds, !complete (almost) - objects, -deco: curtains, -deco: mirrors, !complete (almost), -surfaces
322cdb Sep 03, 2021 20:23
-deco: wall-hangings, ladysimplayer8, the ninth wave, --bathroom, -plumbing, !complete (almost) - objects, -misc: misc, -deco: mirrors, !complete (almost)
322cdb Sep 14, 2014 01:50
lowedeus/Тов.Кот, --build mode, --outdoor, --community lot/urban, -deco: miscellaneous, alexbgd, ---store sets, -deco: statues, -columns, -doors/arches, -windows, !complete (almost) - objects, misty_fluff, -fences, -lot, !complete (almost)
322cdb Jun 26, 2014 21:07
-lighting, -columns, -misc: party, -deco: clutter, !complete (almost) - objects, crispsandkerosene, -fences, --outdoor, --community lot/urban, -lot, -deco: miscellaneous, --kids, !complete (almost), alexbgd, ---store sets
322cdb Jun 07, 2014 02:29
--lots, -deco: statues, -deco: clutter, -windows, -hobbies: creativity, !complete (almost) - objects, --build mode, !incomplete (nothing-ish) - clothes, ethanmcgregor, crispsandkerosene, deedee, simsbook, !complete (almost), ---store sets, -surfaces
322cdb Jun 06, 2014 23:39
ladysimplayer8, -misc: party, veranka, -shoes, --build mode, crispsandkerosene, --outdoor, -comfort: seating, rented-space, ---store sets, -lighting, the ninth wave, !complete (almost) - objects, !incomplete (nothing-ish) - clothes, -clothing, deedee
322cdb Dec 22, 2013 20:54
-deco: wall-hangings, -hobbies: bookcases, ladysimplayer8, hafiseazale, crispsandkerosene, -comfort: seating, simsbook, --living room, ---store sets, --lots, janika31, -deco: rugs, -deco: plants/flowers, !complete (almost) - objects, dark_moon, !incomplete (nothing-ish) - clothes, deedee, -surfaces
322cdb Dec 21, 2013 13:36
-deco: wall-hangings, the ninth wave, !incomplete (nothing-ish) - hair, -windows, -doors/arches, deaexmachina, !complete (almost) - objects, --build mode, !incomplete (nothing-ish) - clothes, hafiseazale, -comfort: seating, !incomplete, ---store sets, -surfaces
322cdb Jul 11, 2013 20:41
-deco: wall-hangings, -hobbies: bookcases, !complete - hair, veranka, !incomplete - clothes, keoni, --build mode, -comfort: seating, rented-space, ---store sets, -lighting, yuxi, the ninth wave, -columns, -hair, chazzsims, -windows, !complete (almost) - objects, -deco: plants/flowers, -jewelry/accessories, modernsetstosims2, -clothing, --cas, deedee, !complete (almost), -surfaces